“Jubilee” is the name given to a particular year. A time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with the world. The Archdiocese of San Antonio has designated St. Anthony-UTSA as one of the pilgrimage sites for the Jubilee Year of Hope. This allows pilgrims to receive a plenary indulgence through acts of pilgrimage, penance, and prayer.
Receive a Plenary Indulgence at St. Anthony’s!
The jubilee calls for us to set out on a journey and to cross boundaries. When we travel, we do not only change place physically, but we also change ourselves. Hence, it is important to prepare ourselves well, to plan the route, and learn about the destination. In this sense, the Jubilee pilgrimage begins before the start of the journey itself: the starting point is the decision to set out.
Plenary Indulgence: The Name of God is Mercy
With regards to the Plenary Indulgences during the Jubilee Year, the Apostolic Penitentiary has issued a decree on May 13, 2024 that states regarding pilgrimages: “The faithful, pilgrims of hope, will be able to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence granted by the Holy Father if they undertake a pious pilgrimage… by visiting the Cathedral or other church or sacred place designated by the local Ordinary. Bishops will consider the needs of the faithful as well as the opportunity to reinforce the concept of pilgrimage with all its symbolic significance, to manifest the great need for conversion and reconciliation.”
A plenary indulgence is a special grace that completely removes the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven, cleansing the soul as if the person had just been baptized.
How do I obtain a plenary indulgence?
In honor of the anniversary of the Diocese of San Antonio and the Jubilee Year, Catholics can receive a plenary indulgence from August 28, 2024–January 6, 2026 by completing the following conditions.
People who are unable to leave their home due to illness or other reason can gain plenary indulgence by spiritually joining themselves to the anniversary celebrations and offering their sufferings to God.
Visit one of the pilgrimage sites
Go to confession
Receive Holy Communion
Pray for the Pope’s intentions with one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be
Perform works of mercy (e.g. visiting the sick or imprisoned; helping the disabled)
Be free from all attachment to sin
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday 5pm-5:45pm
Tuesday 5pm-5:45pm
Wednesday 5pm-5:45pm
Friday 12pm-12:15 (on campus)
Sunday 5:30pm-6:50pm